You are able to comment in support or opposition of planning applications in Dumbarton.
Find a planning application
You can find planning applications in the local area by searching for the postcode or address.
Neighbours to the location will be notified of the planning application. If you want to comment or object to a planning application, you can do so on the online portal.
You can find a planning application on the West Dunbartonshire Council website.
Make a planning application
If you want to make a planning application there are processes you need to follow. You should also check whether you need a building warrant for the work you're planning to do.
Read more about the planning process in the local area on the West Dunbartonshire Council website.
Conservation areas
There a 3 conservation areas in West Dunbartonshire. These are in Dumbarton.
The conservation areas are Dumbarton town centre, Kirktonhill and Knoxland Square. Read more about conservation areas on the West Dunbartonshire Council website.